August 31, 2013

English Conversation classes at the Abc Cellar ...

 Hello , the NEW SCHOOL YEAR is round the corner with good resolutions to be made  ...

 A word of advice :  Learning and  SPEAKING ENGLISH  is  MUCH BETTER than learning the Hula HOOP    
 ...and MUCH LESS DANGEROUS  .....!!

 Learning and Improving your English skills at  the ABC Cellar is fun,  GENTLE , involves no back pain, you can meet new friends and gain confidence in Yourself ... ( and drink tea and eat Biscuits !!)

 Success Guaranteed !
 so contact me at  ( In English if possible ) and I will tell you more  ..

 Classes for all levels and ages !
 Put down that instrument of torture NOW and send me a mail .
 Looking forward to hearing from you !