June 20, 2018

Today's the day .... " feel the fear and do it anyway "

My bags are packed am ready to go ...YES am nervous , but YES i want to do this .. ive wanted to for 30 years ...!!

CHAPTER 2 of ABC is well underway and the ABC letters with names and donations are on their way to UGANDA .. THANK YOU all for your support ...
am not sure of anything else but ... will be in touch if and when can ...

kisses and thanks to all
 QUEEN P ;) !

June 13, 2018

This Time next week ...

 I will be on my way to Ruhanga Development school  in 7 days !!

 Cant wait  !! am packing bags with goodies for the  children for arts and crafts and English learning



 Hope you'll follow me here on my adventure ......
 for those of you who want to be part of this English Learning project , you can still donate at


 100% of the money goes to the school , for walls , windows , learning materials or the medical centre ... and it will be your way of accompanying me ...!
 kisses and watch this space ;)

 Queen P ..

June 1, 2018

leaving in 3 weeks

 Excited but nervous .. please accompany me  symbolically  with a small contribution to buy  :
B ag of
C ement to help build the school walls  !!.. only 9 euros ...;)  or an English book to take out there ..

 vaccines done , bags nearly packed with pens and craftwork  now just need support  from anyone that English has helped in their lives ..

 kisses and thanks to all my friends and students past and present ;)
 Queen P looking forward to meeting 
Queen A seen here;)
